Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Aging but healthy parents

My mother turned 84 today. My father is 88. Both enjoy remarkably good physical health, which is a wonderful blessing, for all of us. Several of their great-grandchildren will be able to remember them well, and I did not have that privilege.

1 comment:

  1. I remember two of my great-grandmothers. One had lost a good bit of her mental faculties, but her mind was often stirred spiritually. Once, she hollered for us to come into her room because someone was joining the church, She was really watching The Price IS Right, and someone had just "come on down", but in her mind she was at an association. The other was still sharp and spry. She once set aside her walker to show us what the dance called the bunny hop was! And my great-grandfather came and lived with us one winter when I was about eight. He was a carpenter and he spent most of the winter building small projects, and he and I toured a puppet shop together on morning while Mamma went to the beauty shop next door. It is indeed a blessing to have those memories today.
