Thursday, October 03, 2013

The Ronstadt/Riddle albums: A brief critique

In the 1980's Linda Ronstadt and orchestra leader Nelson Riddle collaborated on three albums of old standards: "What's New," "Lush Life," and "For Sentimental Reasons." The Riddle half of this collaboration was by far the better of the two. Given her rock-singer background, Ronstadt did a creditable job on these albums, but Ella Fitzgerald she ain't. She tended to belt in the rock style far too much of the time.

Riddle's arrangements, however, are outstanding. They are always tastefully, usually understated, and a genuine treat for the ear.

The most outstanding number on the albums is also the most atypical. For the gorgeous classic, "My Funny Valentine," Riddle chose to use, not a big band, but a string quartet; and his mosaic of sound behind Ronstadt's vocals is musical honey.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I remember seeing Linda and Nelson at Radio City Music Hall. Her voice was a thing of beauty. My mother who loved those tunes and Ella was in attendance to see what all the fuss about. Linda brought mom to tears. So to each his own but Ronstadt's voice, its tone, its warmth and yes her Mexican style belting was to our ears a revelation. Nelson was great as well.
