Monday, December 11, 2006

Primitive Baptist ordinations December 2006

I was blessed to be in two ordinations at Ft. Smith church Saturday : Bro. Steve Woods as elder and Bro. David Owens as deacon. There was a large crowd Saturday morning, and the services were impressive. Elder James Isaacs did the questioning of Bro. Steve, and it was THOROUGH, but he answered the questions ably. We now have seven elders within the Salem Association - all sound and content to be plain, unadorned Primitive Baptists.


  1. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Can't wait to be a part of it all again!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous9:44 AM

    How many ministers and deacons were there? It felt like the front half of the church was filled with them... sides of church too!!!

  3. Over 20 of each. It's at home on my desk.

  4. Anonymous7:29 PM

    I was so happy to be present at these services and to see you there. (I started to count several times... but kept losing count.)

  5. I wish I could have attended the ordination. I love Bro. Steve. He truly is a sweet, loving man and a joy to know.
