Monday, April 30, 2007

Salem Association of Primitive Baptists Union Meeting 2007

OUR UNION MEETING. We had a wonderful Union Meeting of the Salem Association this past weekend. Fort Smith Church hosted it, and did a fine job. We had visiting preachers from four states, and the preaching was sound and edifying. There was a good crowd in attendance. The highlight was Sunday afternoon. After lunch, Elder Cal Kennedy baptized his granddaughter, Cadie Brown, as had been scheduled. Just after they had finished, before they had left the baptistry, Bro. Chris Dunn came forward and said he had put it off long enough, and was joyfully received by Little Flock church, and Bro. Cal also got to baptize him. Bro. Chris is the husband of Sister Julie Dunn. We went on our way rejoicing.

1 comment:

  1. Brother Mark - wonderful to hear such a good report of the Salem's union meeting. I rejoice to hear of new additions to the church, I know the additions must've been a wonderful encouragement to all, but especially to Brother Cal. The Lord be praised.
