Friday, November 21, 2008


One night this week I went to the pump house at night to get something out of the freezer. As I stepped out, I saw a possum jump off the AC unit where he had been stealing from the cat's bowl. As I was crossing the yard back to the house, I stepped on the cat, who threw a scratching, biting fit, naturally. At first, all I could see was that possum, so I was dancing around pretty well. My ankle hurt for several days.


  1. No one got that on video? I would have loved to have seen it...

  2. I don't know...the video I envisioned as I read was pretty funny! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Possums are as bad as skunks, as far as I am concerned. When my washer and dryer were in the pump house, I encounted many a possum in the dark. I would scream, drop my laundry, run one way as the possum ran the other. I did kill one once. Took nine bullets, but I got him. Shot his toenail off too.
