Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Danger Zone (1951)

This is a two-part movie featuring Hugh (Leave It To Beaver) Beaumont as Denny O'Brien, a waterfront tough guy who makes a living doing odd jobs. Edward Brophy is his ex-professor wine-o sidekick who does the legwork for him to answer questions.

In the first half, he is hired by a woman at an auction to buy a suitcase, and the bidding goes to $1000. All that was in it was a saxophone. He is knocked out and the instrument stolen. Come to find out, it was a hiding place for stolen jewels.

In the second half, O'Brien is hired by a private detective to escort a girl to a party. It turns out she is married, and the detective set him up to get a picture for divorce fodder. Then the husband is shot, and a niece appears who is the heir.

It appears that the movie has a direct connection to the radio show Pat Novak For Hire with Jack Webb, as the character is essentially the same.

Although my wife is a big fan of both old movies and old radio shows, I must confess that she is NOT a big fan of either Hugh Beaumont nor Jack Webb.

Hugh Beaumont at the auction

Edward Brophy

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