Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Big Chase (1954)

This is one of those "real life of policemen" dramas. It begins in the office of Lt. Daggart (Douglas Kennedy), who is being interviewed by reporter Milton Graves (Joe Flynn). If you watch closely, you can see Kennedy pick up his cigarette case, pull out two of them accidentally, place one of them on his desk, but it rolls off the edge. He never misses a beat, but evidently they either did not see it at the time, or did not think it worth while to reshoot the scene.

Adele Jergens plays the expectant wife of a rookie cop (Glenn Langan) who wants to get into the juvenile division.Another interesting glitch is that Jergens is the most unpregnant-looking pregnant woman you ever saw. Must be a very small baby.

Also, don't you love these extended chase scenes where guys who have been in prison, presumably with very little exercise, run from the police for minute after minute without even getting winded? Actually, it was a pretty good chase scene.

Another interesting fact about this movie is that Langan and Jergens actually were married when this movie was made.

Our old buddy Lon Chaney makes a brief appearance as one of the gang involved in the robbery.

Glenn Langan

Adele Jergens

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