Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dobie Gillis: "The Fast White Mouse"

In biology class they are studying heredity, especially intelligence in mice. The smart mice always run a maze faster. Dobie gets the idea of convincing Zelda that because of heredity he will never by anything but stupid - and maybe that will convince her to give up wanting to marry him. He tries to point her toward wealthy Chatsworth Osborne (Steve Franken). Zelda convinces his mother that to keep the Osborne blood line sturdy, they must intermarry with commoners. "Give me lots of grandsons - sturdy, nasty, unprincipled little boys."

Chatsworth and Zelda hit it off immediately - and Dobie is jealous, strangely enough. He goes back to his professor (Hugh Sanders) to see if the principle really is proven. Sanders tells him that the mice will not run the maze at all if they are not hungry, and he agrees to run the experiment again. Dobie plans to feed the smart mouse overnight, so that he will lose. He and Maynard slip into the classroom, have to hide in the closet, and discover Zelda also in the closet - and they all are discovered by the professor. All of them had the idea of feeding the mouse.



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