Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My earliest memories

My parents built their current house in Booneville, Arkansas, the summer I turned four years old, so any memories I have of living in Magazine would be from when I was three. I can remember the structure in the front yard of the house (I think it was a well house). I can remember the large amount of hen bit that grew in the yard. How that Mr. Ibbotson, who lived next door, would walk along the highway and collect milkshake cups and stack them on the posts on either side of his driveway. I remember Mrs. Newman, the neighbor on the other side of our house, would give us cookies. I remember how fascinated I was by the popping action of the oil can that Daddy kept in the shop. Just a few vague, random memories, but all of them happened before I turned four.

Hen bit

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