Monday, October 21, 2013

The virtues of my spouse

It would behoove all of us to assess the sterling qualities of our spouses on a regular basis. None of us is married to a perfect individual; the best of us is a sinner and has many faults. We cannot be thankful for another's faults, but we can for that person's virtues. To fail to see beauty because of the presence of blemishes is to miss that which provides us with what little joy this sad world can provide.

My wife is not a perfect woman; she has many faults. But she is a good and gracious woman and is a tremendous asset to me. That single fact I must never forget, and that single fact will, I trust, forever burnish her character in my eyes despite whatever few faults she may have. I cannot be thankful for what she is not, but I can be constantly thankful for what she is; and she is among the best and loveliest of women.


  1. Anonymous9:42 AM

    She is a fine ol' gal, Pappy. You married up.

  2. Wow, that is very nice of you to say
