Saturday, February 01, 2014

Sky Giant (1938)

Col. Harry Carey is the hard-nosed commander of a school for cargo pilots. Since taking command, he has instituted a very strict discipline, in spite of the fact that it is a civilian school. He takes on Richard Dix as his chief assistant, but he does not want the job and goes to another airlines. On his way out he meets Joan Fontaine, who is Carey's secretary, and her cousin, Paul Guilfoyle. He gets orders transferring him from reserve to active duty under Carey's command. Carey drives the students mercilessly.

Chester Morris shows up as a new student. He is Carey's son, and Carey is not pleased that he is there; but he cannot drop him until he proves himself unfit. Dix sees Fontaine's picture and wants to meet her. He does, but her social schedule is busy. Morris and Dix go on a training flight at high altitude, and they pass out. Dix recovers just in time to prevent a crash. At the mid-term dance we learn that Morris and Fontaine are planning to marry, but Dix does not know that and also proposes. Morris is assigned to sea plane duty. Dix is ordered to make an Arctic mapping flight, and Morris is ordered back to go with him and Guilfoyle.

Fontaine makes Morris choose between her and flying, and he chooses flying. When Dix learns about their break-up, he proposes again. She accepts, but makes him promise that the Artic run will be his last flight. They are married, and he leaves immediately on the flight. Dix tells Morris about the marriage, who is angry. They have to make an emergency landing because of a frozen rudder. On their takeoff the plain flips, and they are stranded in a northern forest. Guilfoyle's legs are broken and they start hiking, carrying him on a stretcher. Soon Guilfoyle loses the feeling in his legs. Guilfoyle slips out of this coat and drags himself out of the tent, trying to commit suicide so that they will not be burdened with him. He falls down an embankment and dies. Dix collapses on their hike out, but Morris support him until they make it to a settlement. They receive heroes' welcomes when they get back to the base. Dix tells Morris and Fontaine that he realizes their situation is not right. Since their marriage was never consumated, he says they will get an annulment so that Morris and Fontaine can marry.


Joan Fontaine

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