Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Stimulating memory

She plied me with questions until I told her more than I knew, things Pa had told us, forgotten until her questions dredged them up. Memory holds much more than we suspect, I found, and began to wonder what else there was I had forgotten.

My experience is that this is exactly true, and I wish I knew how to do it better.

(from Jubal Sackett, by Louis L'Amour)

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps you can help. I'm trying to reach Thomas Film Classics. Want to order something. I gave my credit card info and waited for several weeks. I wrote several email but I never had a response.

    I'm thinking it's a small business and perhaps the owner has gotten sick or died.

    If anyone can reach them, I'd like to buy something. Appreciate any assistance. Thank.
