Monday, March 01, 2021

Even old boxers clean up pretty well

     "I certainly think it would be advisable to notify the police, and have them institute enquiries into his antecedents."

    "No, that's out," said Mrs. Steptoe, decidedly. Chibnall had agitated her, but even in her agitation she did not lose sight of that fact that Joss, if a peculiar - and possibly a criminal - valet, was an extremely efficient one. By what magic he had wrought the miracle, she could not say, but he had sent the hick Howard down to dinner on the previous night looking not merely respectable but refulgent. His shirt had shone like a lighthouse, so that Baronets gaped at the sight of it. So had his shoes. And as for his collar and tie, they could have been used as exhibits in a lecture on what the smart dresser should wear. It would be madness to put the police on the trail of this wonder-man.

(from Quick Service, by Sir Pelham Wodehouse)

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