Sunday, September 19, 2021

She went too far

     In that particular studio which had engaged her services, it seems a good deal of latitude is granted to the distinguished authors on the pay-roll. The kindly powers-that-be recognize the existence of the artist temperment and make allowances for it. If, therefore, my aunt had confined herself to snootering directions, harrying camera-men, and chasing supervisors up trees, nothing would have been said. But there is one thing the artist soul must not do at the Colossal-Superfine, and that is swat the Main Boss with a jewelled hand over the ear-hole.

    And this, in a moment of emotion due to the fact that he had described some dialogue submitted by her as a lot of baloney that didn't mean a thing, my Aunt Julia had done.

(from "Ukridge and the Home From Home," by Sir Pelham Wodehouse)

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