Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Carroll Clay Lee - my uncle

Carroll Clay Lee was my uncle. He married my mother’s older (only) sister, who was several years older than Mama. They lost at least a couple of children before my cousin, Carroll Davis, was born. He was a year or two older than I was, so I spent a lot of time at their house in my childhood. Uncle Carroll had tried to farm early in their marriage, but that was a very difficult way to make a living in those days, and finally he got a job at a utility pump station that was built south of Malvern, Arkansas. For many years they lived in a house that was part of a complex built by the company for the benefit of employees. Later they moved the house several miles away.

Because he was on shift work, I am afraid we caused Uncle Carroll a lot of problems by making noise during the days when he was trying to sleep. He dipped snuff, and would tease us, “Come over here and I’ll put a little of this on the flat place on your tongue.”

He was a staunch Primitive Baptist and was for many years a faithful deacon at Sardis Church, located near the community of Lono, Arkansas.


  1. I believe he had the biggest hands of any man I have ever known.

  2. I am thankful to mama and daddy for taking us to see them on several occasions, such that I have a certain memory of him today.
