Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Frowning women

 Lady Beatrice Bracken was in the garden of her father's seat, Worbles, in Dorsetshire. She was reading for the third time Packy's letter announcing his departure for St. Rocque. Well knowing that resort to be a hot-bed of gambling and full of the most undesirable characters, notably the Vicomte de Blissac, she thoroughly disapproved of his choice of destination. As she read, she frowned. As she frowned, she tapped her foot. And as she tapped she said, "H'm!" And she meant it, too. At lunch that day her Aunt Gwendolyn had once more expressed the opinion that Packy was a flippertygibbet, and Beatrice found herself in complete agreement with the old fossil.

(from Hot Water, by Sir Pelham Wodehouse)

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