Monday, May 20, 2024

How to ruin an engagement

     "But I'm not going to be married."

    "You're - what did you say?"

    "I'm not going to be married?"

    "But what of Dillingwater?"

    "That's off."


    "Off," said Jane firmly. "I only got engaged to him out of pique. I thought I could go through with it, buoying myself up by thinking what a score it would be off you but one morning I saw him eating a peach and I began to waver. He splashed himself to the eyebrows. And just after that I found that he had a trick of making a sort of funny noise when he drank coffee. I would sit on the other side of the breakfast table, looking at him and saying to myself, 'Now comes the funny noise!' and when I thought of doing all that the rest of my life I saw that the scheme was impossible. So I broke off the engagement."

(from Meet Mr. Mulliner, by Sir Pelham Wodehouse)

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