The Steele maid works part-time for actress Evelyn Ankers, who is the ex-wife of their butler, Tom Stevenson. Blore cons Mohr into going to see Ankers' show, and they paint the town afterwards. Ankers' current boyfriend, Alan Napier, is much offended. Stevenson shows up after Mohr drops her up, and we find that she is trying to get him to steal something for her, but he is afraid to do it. She is also milking Napier for money to buy her nice things.
Mohr goes to see Paul Fung, an old contact in gem deals to try to get the money for Steele. Fraser threatens Mohr to stay away from the Steele house. Steele send the jewels to Mohr via Stevenson. Stevenson finds and steals the Eyes of the Nile. Fraser insists on accompanying Stevenson and gets nosy about everything that is going on. When Stevenson arrives at the Fung shop, he is dead in the car. The police ask Steele about the jewels, but he will not press charges against Mohr. Then Mohr gives the Eyes of the Nile to Steele and says he has been paying blackmail for receiving stolen goods. Stevenson pulls a gun on Mohr, but he escapes.
Back at the theater, Ankers sweet-talks Napier into getting the jewels from Mohr, but with Blore's help he knocks him out and ties him up. Mohr makes like he is going to skip the country with Ankers. He sneaks into Ankers dressing room and locates the jewels in her fur coat, but does not try to retrieve them. Ankers heads to the airport, where Mohr catches up with her, under the watchful eyes of Worlock and Green. Then Napier comes charging up and tells the police that she killed Stevenson. Mohr finds the jewels in the fur coat, and the police arrest Ankers.

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