Wednesday, September 04, 2024

'Tain't likely!

     He turned to Sue. "You're riding - were you going to look over the ground?"

    "Yes. I don't want Frank to go. He'd keep on going and maybe get killed for his pains. After all, he's the only friend we have here now."

    Bolt looked offended. "Now, Miss Sue, I don't take that kindly. I've always thought myself a friend of yours, and there's nothing I wouldn't do for you."

    Sue was contrite. "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking."

    Gillespie turned away with disgust written in every line of him. He watched them ride off with narrowed eyes. Maybe, he reflected, he was a fool, but if Jack Bolt was an honest man, he was next in line to be Emperor of China!

(from The Riders of High Rock, by Louis L'Amour)

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