Sunday, October 11, 2020

Cabin fever at its worst

    "I am now free to devote my invaluable attention to your concerns. What is the news? And who is in love and with whom? 

    "Oh, life is a perfect desert. Nobody is in love with me, and the Schlitzers have had a worse row than usual and separated."


    "Yes. Only, owing to financial considerations, they've got to go on sharing the same studio = you know, that big room over the mews. It must be very awkward having to eat and sleep and work in the same room with somebody you're being separated from. They don't even speak, and it's very awkward when you cann on one of them and th other has to pretend not to be able to see or hear you."

(from The Unpleasantness At the Bellona Club, by Dorothy L. Sayers)

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