"I fancy I am correct in supposing that Mr. Wooster did not tell you a great deal about himself?"
"He told me nothing about himself, except that he was a friend of Professor Mainwaring."
"He did not inform you, then, that he was
the Mr. Wooster?"
The Mr. Wooster?"
"Bertram Wooster, madam." I will say for Mr. Wooster that, mentally negligible though he no doubt is, he has a name that suggests almost infinite possibilities. He sounds, if I may elucidate my meaning, like Someone - especially if you have just been informed that he is an intimate friend of as eminent a man as Professor Mainwaring. You might not, no doubt, be able to say offhand whether he was Bertram Wooster the novelist, or Bertram Wooster the founder of a new school of thought; but you would have an uneasy feeling that you were exposing your ignorance if you did not give the impression of familiarity with the name.
Carry On, Jeeves, by Sir Pelham Wodehouse)