Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Living below our means

Young people (and old people) need to learn to live BELOW their means. We certainly need to live within our means, but what if our means get reduced? What then? Even if we have a Cadillac income, we need to have a Chevrolet lifestyle. That way, if our income is reduced to a Chevrolet level, we are all right - and not stuck with all those build-in payments for Cadillacs that we now cannot afford and cannot easily get rid of.


nanny said...

I guess we have always lived with a vw budget. The old vw's. Even then, well, the outgo was sure like a rocket. Fun times. really!

Rebekah Sacran said...

We need to live with a bicycle budget!

oldbaptistadam said...

I agree Pappy,