Friday, September 04, 2015

The consequences of absurd positions

A handful of lawyers has dictated to the country that we cannot forbid the legal marital union of people of the same gender. Perhaps few have considered that in doing this they set up an underlying principle that has far-reaching consequences. They basically said that we are not allowed to acknowledge any difference between men and women. Any difference. Ignoring all rules of common sense and logic, they have launched the country on a logical downward spiral, and who knows where it will end. Because there is no difference, then each person should now  be able to decide which gender he or she is. Thus, there can be no such thing as "His" and "Hers" restrooms. Furthermore, if there is no difference between the sexes, and it is legal for men to appear without a shirt in public, how long will it be before women do the same? After all, we can acknowledge no difference between them, even if there is one. And the list can go on. Our deliberate idiocy knows no  bounds.

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