Friday, March 01, 2019

Dr. Watson had lots of blueblood connections

Actor Nigel Bruce, best known for his lovable portrayals of Dr. Watson in the series of Sherlock Holmes movies, had lots of family connections with the upper crust of British society. His father was Sir William Waller Bruce of Stenhouse, 10th Baronet. That line went all the way back to Sir William Bruce, the 1st Baronet, who died in 1630. The Bruce baronet line connects back to Sir Patrick Agnew, who died in 1661; and William Cuningham of Robertland, 5th Baronet; and Standish O'Grady, 1st Vicount Guillamore; and Patrick Agnew of Locknow, 1st Baronet; and Alexander Stewart, 1st Earl of Galloway. And I quit looking at that point.

Image result for nigel bruce

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