Monday, January 19, 2015

An Arkansas connection in the Gunsmoke radio show

In one episode, Doc reveals that he was once sweet on a girl from the community of Rip Shin Thicket, Arkansas. She did not wear shoes, it seems. All she could cook was pork and hominey. She had a brother named Spotted Jack, who never slept indoors or took a bath. At least, this was the story that Doc told. Marshall Dillon was skeptical.



Anonymous said...

just watched the old Gunsmoke episode. lol

Unknown said...

Just say the episode with doc telling this story.

Boomer said...

It's on right now, July 20, 2021. Fun-nee! Rip Shin Thicket is in Arkansas.

Anonymous said...

Season 3, Episode 39; "The Gentleman".

Anonymous said...

..and Chester lost a chance for love

Anonymous said...

Chester made 8 dollars a mo. How was he going to afford a house much less a wife. He was always borrowing money and bumming drinks from doc and miss. Kitty.