Friday, January 31, 2020

Dreary life in a health food home

     Mrs. McCall herself was eating a slice of Health Bread and nut butter. For she practiced as well as preached the doctrines which she had striven for so many years to inculcate in an unthinking populace. Her day always began with a light but nutritious breakfast, at which a peculiarly uninviting cereal, which looked and tasted like an old straw hat that had been run through a meat chopper, competed for first place in the dislike of her husband and son with a more than usually offensive brand of imitation coffee.
     Mr. McCall was inclined to think that he loathed the imitation cofree rather more than the cereal, but Washington (the son) held strong views on the latter's superior ghastliness. Both Washington and his father, however, would have been fair-minded enough to admit that it was a close thing.

(from The Indiscretions of Archie, by Sir Pelham Wodehouse)

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