Tuesday, January 28, 2020

He inspired the worst in them

     Lucille sighed wearily. "Archie, darling, do you know any really good swear-words?"
     "Well," said Archie, reflectively, "let me see. I did pick up a few tolerably ripe and breezy expressions out in France. All through my military career there was something about me - some subtle magnetism, don't you know, and that sort of thing - that seemed to make colonels and blighters of that order rather inventive. I sort of inspired them, don't you know. I remember one brass-hat addressing me for quite ten minutes, saying something new all the time. And even then he seemed to think he had only touched the fringe of the subject. As a matter of fact, he said straight out in the most frank and confiding way that mere words couldn't do justice to me."

(from The Indiscretions of Archie, by Sir Pelham Wodehouse)

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