Friday, January 18, 2013

Jury duty

I have jury orientation today, and after having been on three juries, the process is not as mysterious to me as it first was. Jurors have to understand what their responsibility is. They are not to determine what the law is, or what law applies to this particular case. Legislators make laws. Judges determine what law applies to a particular case.

The role of the juror is to determine, "Did the prosecution prove that he committed the crime as defined by the law?" That is all. And note that jury is not to determine whether the person is guilty or not, but if the prosecution proved that he was guilty. If jurors understand their function, it takes a huge weight from their shoulders.


Rebekah Sacran said...

I have always wanted to be on a jury.


The first couple of times are interesting. After that it is a headache. Are you a registered voter?

Rebekah Sacran said...

Yes. Arkansas picked me right after I moved to Tennessee but that's the only time.