Diana Barrymore is an actress who is going home for a visit to her mother (Kaye Francis). Francis is involved in a romance with a younger man who thinks she is younger than she is. In order to protect her mother, she pretends to be considerably younger than she is. When the fiancee (John Boles) arrives, he has Robert Cummings with him. Later that day Cummings comes back to give a present to juvenile Barrymore and finds her practicing a part in her next play, in which she plays a drunk. Cummings mistakes her for her aunt, and she plays along. She makes him think she is abusing the child. He comforts her (as the child), and she begins to fall for him, which presents a problem, since she cannot reveal her real age.
Francis realizes that Barrymore is in love and regrets their deception. Then Cummings sees through it because of a Band-aid that he put on the child's arm and sees on the arm of the aunt at a night club. But (surprise, surprise) things all end happily ever after.
Interestingly, this movie came out the same year as
The Major and the Minor, which also took the improbable theme of a woman pretending to be considerably younger than she was, and with about as little success. Both are enjoyable films, but only with tongue in cheek. This one takes on a little bit of a slapstick quality at times, but it is lots of fun.

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