Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My favorite movies

Well, I guess all you out there in blogland are waiting breathlessly to hear my favorite movies. My two favorite all-time movies are The Quiet Man and The Great Escape. However, my favorite genre, by far, is the detective movies of the 30's, 40's and early 50's.


audreysnanny said...

I just LOVE the old time detective!!!! Oh they were so so so well, not sure what, but they were.

Rebekah Sacran said...

Two great movies!

Androphenese said...

The great escape one of my all-timers as well. it is one of the few movies i could stand to watch with some degree of regularity. Most movies do not lend themselves to that shade of character. but The great escape is definitely one of those. The book is very very good also.

Sarah said...

I would have to say that the Quiet Man is an all-time favorite of mine also. That movie will never get old.

Nardo said...

I must add Road to Morocco to that list. A veritable classic.

audreysnanny said...

Sarah and I were up till 1:00 a.m. watching the Quiet Man Friday night. We had to finish it the next day. I couldn't make it.


That is very interesting. She can NEVER stay awak that late to watch a movie with me. Hmmmph!

Rebekah Sacran said...

So...what is the second secret?


The second secret is that the skunk's second baby is named Roscoe.

strem said...

What a letdown. (I guess I should probably know better...)

Rebekah Sacran said...

But you didn't know there were babies when you said you had a secret!!! Ha!


What difference does it make? You didn't believe I had a secret anyway, did you? (Boy, do I have them set up for when I really do have a good secret! snicker)