Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Gildersleeve's middle name

Throckmorton P. Gildersleeve. The "P" stood for Philharmonic. Really.


Rebekah Sacran said...

I remember that.

rachel tsunami said...

Will be adding this to our ongoing list (3 decades) of interesting names. Fantastic.

rachel tsunami said...

I had to say it outloud, of course, and Dalton piped up and said, "Oh, you mean 'The Great Gildersleeve?' Turns out he's familiar with him from listening repeatedly to some cassette tapes (years ago)called "Comedy Superstars" - a collection of just what you might expect: Jack Benny, Lucille Ball, Abbot & Costello, etc. Would this be the same Gildersleeve? How many could there possibly be? I'm glad he didn't just go by Phil.