Next Ian MacDonald bails out of a plain over Tangier, but not before shooting his partner, the pilot. Dunne figures out immediately what happened. MacDonald runs into Nylon, whom he has known before. He tries to get her involved in his current escapade. She agrees, but lets him know she wants nothing that is shady. Dunne and Nylon bump into each other on the street, and he comments on how much money she seems to have. He escorts her back to the hotel after some sarcastic dialogue, but they part on cordial, if not chummy, terms. Later Dunne and MacDonald get into a shootout and a fistfight. MacDonald wins, and Dunne wakes in the hotel lobby with Nylon soothing his brow. She quips, "Maybe this will teach you to join a lending library and stay home nights."
The prefect and Dunne now pin down who MacDonald is, and that he is here to rendezvous with whomever stole the money. Nylon brings supplies to MacDonald, but warns him again that she wants no part of his deal. Still, she delivers a note to Green for him, and Dunne meets her coming out of Green's room. He makes a date for dinner. She is late, and obviously troubled. He quizzes her, but she puts him off. Meanwhile Green goes to MacDonald's room and we learn that they are partners, although Green's enthusiasm for the relationship is waning. MacDonald goes to Nylon's room to kill her, but she screams, and the prefect and Dunne come running. As he leaves, Green shoots him.
Green still cannot understand why the prefect will not release his ship, but he is reminded that they still have not recovered the money. Then suddenly the prefect walks to announce that the box that was stolen and says the ship will be released. Green, assuming something has gone wrong, goes back to check where the box had been buried, and is arrested. Dunne tells her that she will be getting a reward - and then proposes to her.

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