Charlie is in England. Anne Wakefield is engaged to marry Frederick Jaeger, but her father tells her he is going to force it to be stopped. They quarrel. The evening he is shot. Russell Napier is the inspector covering the case. He will not let his wife (Natalie Benesh) see him. Then Delpi Lawrence shows up, who was her father's partner. She clashes with Napier. Then Wakefield admits that she picked up the gun used in the assault, so he arrests her. But just then Alan Gifford shows up, who Charlie had arrested years ago. He admits to the shooting, saying that the father was blackmailing him. After Lawrence leaves, Benesh reveals that Lawrence was in love with her husband. Charlie receives cablegram that says that the gun had been issues to Lawrence in New York. They go to her apartment to interview her. Charlie deduces that Wakefield is not the daughter of the wounded man, but of Gifford.
Benesh is finally allowed to see her unconscious husband, and tries to smother him, but it was Barry Chan in disguise. Benesh was jealous because her husband was about to leave her for Lawrence. After wedding Jaeger and Wakefield drop by the apartment to introduce themselves to Gifford.


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