Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Do elephants make bronchial sounds?

"Mr. McMurdo? How do you do? Nice day. Very pleasant, those soft mountain breezes."

The newcomer's only response was a bronchial sound such as might have been produced by and elephant taking its foot out of a swamp in a teak forest. Sidney McMurdo as in a dark and sullen mood. On the previous night Agnes Flack, his fiance, had broken their engagement owing to at rifling disagreement they had had about the novel she had written. He had said it was a lot of prune juice and advised her to burn it without delay, and she had said it was not, too, a lot of prune juice, adding that she never wanted to see or speak to him again, and this had affected him adversely. It always annoyed him when Agnes Flack broke their engagement, because it made him overswing, particularly off the tee.

(from Sleepy Time, by Sir Pelham Wodehouse)

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