1. James Coburn and Charles Bronson try to sneak out among Russian prisoners. Coburn asks Bronson if he speaks Russian, and he says he knows one phrase (sounds roughly like he says "yabas lubluk"). He asks him what it means, and he says, "I love you." "What good is that?!" "I don't know. I wasn't going to use it."

2. Due to the desperate need for shoring in the tunnels, there is a raid made collecting slats from the bunks. As Steve McQueen walks out with an armload of them, Nigel Stock comes in and vaults onto his upper bunk, only to collapse through the weakened bottom.

3. McQueen, Garner and Jud Taylor, the three Americans, make their own homebrew vodka in order to celebrate the 4th of July. As they taste it, they gasp and each exclaims,"Wow."

4. After the 4th of July celebration, the tunnel is discovered, and Angus Lennie snaps. He walks to the fence and is shot by the guards, and left hanging on the barbed wire.

5. Bronson is trapped in a cave-in and has to pull himself out by main force. "Are you all right, Danny?" "I'm all right. Bring some shovels, I'm all right." Later, during the actual escape, his claustrophobia almost gets him, and he does a wonderful job of portraying his battle with his phobia.

6. James Garner and Donald Pleasence are put in the same room. Pleasence is making tea, and says, "Afraid this tea's pathetic. Must have used these wretched leaves about twenty times. It's not that I mind so much. Tea without milk is so uncivilized."
These are a few of many. And then, of course, there are the two great finishes. Steve McQueen's motorcycle ride and final capture in the barbed wire just short of the border.

And one of the great scenes in all of cinema history, when McQueen comes swaggering back into camp, and Taylor tosses him his ball and glove as he heads back to the cooler.
HERE is more on The Great Escape.
Lovvvvvvve this movie! You have excellent taste, Uncle Mark.
*Never* get tired of watching this movie.
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