Sunday, August 04, 2013

Bat Masterson - "Double Trouble in Trinidad"

Bat steps out of a card game when a salesman tells him there is a man in Trinidad masquerading as him. As he signs into the hotel, he meets the local barmaid, the romantic interest of the episode (of which there is generally at least one). He meets the pseudo-Bat (Chad Fuller) in his office. Richard Bakalyan is his deputy. Fuller tries to goad Bat into a fight. He tells the bar maid not to drink with Bat, but she goes ahead anyway, and then he orders Bat out of town. There is a gold shipment coming through town, and that is the game that is afoot. Bat pretends to leave town, but slips into an empty warehouse. When the transfer clerk is about to turn over the gold to the supposed sheriff, Bat steps around the corner. He and Fuller get into a fight with their canes (an interesting throwback to Robin Hood). Bat finally knocks him down, but Fuller throws dust into his face. Bat recovers in time and knocks him out.

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