The Indian Stone Calf (H. M. Wynant) is on the warpath, burning settlers' homes. Bat is romancing Joan O'Brien. Robert Shield conveys a request from General Sheridan (Charles Maxwell) that he meet with him immediately. He asks Bat to get back two white prisoners taken by Stone Calf. In an angry exchange, Bat refuses, but O'Brien is angry because she is thinking of the two little girls. Then Bat agrees. He rides into the Indian camp and shares a whisky with Stone Calf. The prisoners are young women. Stone Calf agrees to their release surprisingly easily. Then the troopers that were following Bat at a decoy turn back, and the Indians come after Bat and the girls. Finally the Indians cut off their retreat and a gunfight begins. An young Indian brave, who is in love with one of the girls, helps them. Bat fires his buffalo gun to hit the bell in the neighboring town to bring help. Then Stone Calf creeps up behind him, but the bugle distracts him and Bat draws. Stone Calf thinks the gun is empty, but Bat convinces him it is not.
Not very realistic, but a nice yarn nonetheless.


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