"I was bunked last month."
"Really? asked Freddie, interested. "They gave you the push, did they? What for?"
"Shooting pigs."
"Shooting pigs?"
"With a bow and arrow. One pig, that is to say. Percival. He belonged to Miss Maitland, the headmistress. Do you ever pretend to be people in books?"
"Never. And don't stray from the point at issue. I want to get to the bottom of this thing about the pig."
"I'm not straying from the point at issue. I was playing William Tell."
"The old apple-knocker, you mean?"
"The man who shot an apple off his son's head. I tried to get one of the girls to put the apple on her head, but she wouldn't, so I went down to the pigsty and put it on Percival's. And the silly goop shook it off and started to eat it just as I was shooting, which spoiled my aim and I got him on the left ear. He was rather vexed about it. So was Miss Maitland. Especially as I was supposed to be in disgrace at the time, because I had set the dormitory on fire the night before."
(from Trouble Down at Tudsleigh, by Sir Pelham Wodehouse)

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