Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sleeping in The Bush Room

Years ago I worked for a toy company that was owned by Spang & Co., headquartered in Butler, Pennsylvania. The daughter of the Chairman of the parent company was the President of our company. For some reason I had to make a business trip with her to that area and we took time to stop by Butler for the annual meeting of the parent company. My luggage inadvertently got kidnapped by the airlines for a while. So the Chairman (Frank Rath, Sr.) had me stay at his house. Since I had no personal effects, Mr. Rath loaned me a pair of his pajamas. They put me in what they called "The Bush Room." Back during one of President Reagan's campaigns, Vice President George Bush had been in their area and was supposed to spend the night at their house and it had been planned for him to sleep in this bedroom. If I remember correctly, circumstances dictated that Mr. Bush did not in fact stay there, but the room had nonetheless been designated as The Bush Room thereafter. So, I can say that I slept in the Chairman's pajamas in a room that had been reserved for a future President of the United States.


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