George Sanders plays the title role. He has opened up a brokerage office to please his fiance (Anne Hunter) assisted by Goldie Locks (Allen Jenkins), his sidekick. They are to go to a society party given by Gladys Cooper, but he talks her out of it. Then Wendy Barrie comes to him asking him to help Cooper because at her last two parties, jewels have been stolen. He calls Hunter to tell her he has changed her mind. At the party, Turhan Bey shows up and dances with Hunter. Sanders dances with Lucille Gleason, who slips him her ring for safekeeping. Then he dances with Cooper, and during the number a shot rings out. Gleason has been killed. The perpetrator makes his getaway past Jenkins, whom the police arrest as a material witness. (Hans Conried plays a disgruntled police artist.) Sanders gets Jenkins released, and Barrie gives them a ride from the station. The police are tailing them, but they lose them. Sanders and Barrie go to talk with Cooper, and Jenkins is kidnapped while he waits for them. The gunman takes Jenkins to a hideout, but then he is shot, and Jenkins is arrested - again.
Sanders sneaks into Hunter's apartment. She is mad as a wet hen until she finds out he is wanted for murder. Then Barrie calls and Sanders pretends it is his valet, until Hunter takes the phone from him and hears Barrie's "sweet nothings." Later he meets her on the street and she tells him she is having dinner with Bey. Barrie volunteers to be his assistant. They figure out that Cooper is the crook.


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